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Psalm 141

Name: M      F

From God To Me      From Me To God

1  ; ! to voice when call to .

2 let prayer be set before like incense; the lifting up of hands like the evening sacrifice.

3 set a watch before mouth; keep the door of lips.

4  incline heart to any evil thing, to practice with men who work iniquity; let eat of their .

5 Let the righteous strike ; it is kindness. Let him reprove ; it ; for yet always .

6 Their judges are ; they will hear words, for they are well spoken.

7 As when one and the earth, our bones are scattered at the .

8  on , God the Lord; in ; leave soul destitute.

9 keep from the which they have laid for , from the traps of the workers of iniquity.

10 let the wicked fall together into their own nets, while .

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