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Psalm 10

Name: M      F

From God To Me      From Me To God

1 You may ask why I the LordWhy do You stand afar off;? why do hide self in times of trouble.?

2 The wicked in their pride persecute the poor; but they will be taken in the devices that they have imagined.

3 For the wicked boast of their heart’s desire and bless the covetous, whom abhor.

4 The wicked, through the pride of their face, will not seek after ; not in any of their thoughts.

5 Their ways are always grievous; judgments are far above out of their sight; as for all their enemies, they sneer at them.

6 They have said in their heart, “I will not be moved; for I will never be in adversity.”

7 Their mouths are full of cursing and deceit and fraud; under their tongues are mischief and vanity.

8 They sit in the lurking places of the villages; in the secret places they murder the innocent; their eyes are secretly set against the poor.

9 They lie in wait secretly like lions in their den; they lie in wait to catch the poor; they catch the poor when they draw them into their net.

10 They crouch and lower themselves, that the poor may fall by their strength.

11 They have said in their heart that have forgotten; that hide face; that will never see.

12 arise! lift up hand, O God! forget who humble.

13 Why do the wicked disdain ? They have said in their hearts that will not require an account from them.

14  have seen it; for behold mischief and spite, to repay it with hand. who poor commit self to ; helper who fatherless.

15 break the arms of the wicked and evil; seek out their wickedness till find none.

16  King forever and ever; the nations have perished out of land.

17  have heard the desire of who humble; will strengthen heart; will cause ear to hear ,

18 To do justice to who fatherless and oppressed that the man of the earth may oppress no more.

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